We supposse our dogs as a people, our best friend, a member of the house instead of an animal. We love them as the same as our children. They also love us more than we love them. We are responsible to them after we put them to our life, since they are needy to our helps.
We have also under responsiblities like working. After we are leaving home, the long and alone waiting is starting for them. Some of them might wait with patience, however some of them don't like waiting, they might behave naughty to show their trouble. The reason that they behave naught is us.
We think to give kindergarten services to our friends, who has the same problem that we ve mentioned above.
While you are going to your work, your best friend is going to his kindergarten. He will run, play with his friends, enjoy, throw energy. At the same you are returning your home, they will returning home with their shuttles.
Think for a second, while you are leaving home, you don't worry about your best friend, you will be sure that your friend has a good time with his friends.
If you love the opion we mentioned above, please visit your Wof Wof KinderGarten.
You will see what we mentioned after visiting our kindergarten.
- Transfer
- Lunch Time
- Daily Care
- Special Interest